How My Psychic ‘Friend’ Convinced Me of the ‘Truth’ part 2

This post is part two of How ‘My’ Psychic ‘Friend’ Convinced Me of the ‘Truth’ by Malika Bourne. A decade ago, I sheepishly admit that I lacked the skills to grasp the concept that some people are so sociopathic that most of what is uttered out of their mouths is a lie with the purpose of manipulating others for their own amusement. Worse yet, they have no remorse for the harm they cause by playing their sick games. There! I said it! [In part one of How My Psychic ‘Friend’ Convinced Me of the ‘Truth’ I gave petty examples of people I have known who are pathological liars and what I learned to look out for in the next liar. […]

Categorized as Nanna

Comment on Comment on How Did Christian Tabernacle of Washington, Iowa Go from Christian Church to Cult? Part one by Iowa Girl Sees Home Town Terrorized by Youth Group – No Non-cents Nanna by How ‘My’ Psychic ‘Friend’ Convinced Me of the ‘Truth’ part 1 | No Non-cents Nanna

[…] home church turned into a toxic cult that I left 40 years ago. But that is another story. Click HERE later to read that […] Source: Nannas Essential Oil Wellness Blog Hits: 9

Categorized as Nanna

How ‘My’ Psychic ‘Friend’ Convinced Me of the ‘Truth’ part 1

Hits: 1Who wants to admit they had fallen prey to a lying conman? ‘Don’t look at me’ was my first thought when I realized the shocking truth about my best friend. [ The same shame applies to realizing how my loving home church turned into a toxic cult that I left 40 years ago. But that is another story. Click HERE later to read that series.] It is a complicated world we live in. There is much to say about accepting the truth when you realize you have been flimflammed. It is embarrassing…but, we do ‘get-over-it”, in own ways. Or do we ‘get over it’ if or when the truth hits us smack dab in the face? [Telling someone to […]

Categorized as Nanna

How ‘My’ Psychic ‘Friend’ Convinced Me of the ‘Truth’ part 1

Who wants to admit they had fallen prey to a lying conman? ‘Don’t look at me’ was my first thought when I realized the shocking truth about my best friend. [ The same shame applies to realizing how my loving home church turned into a toxic cult that I left 40 years ago. But that is another story. Click HERE later to read that series.] It is a complicated world we live in. There is much to say about accepting the truth when you realize you have been flimflammed. It is embarrassing…but, we do ‘get-over-it”, in own ways. Or do we ‘get over it’ if or when the truth hits us smack dab in the face? [Telling someone to ‘get […]

Categorized as Nanna